Manpower Supply

Rastak Pod Vision Company provides special services for the supply of exhibitor forces through the connection with the supply agents of specialized forces, and in order to meet part of the needs of its customers:

  • Exhibition stand force (counter force behind the exhibition counter table)
  • Interpreter of the international exhibition (companion translator)
  • Exhibition attendant (for ceremonial services and reception of exhibition booths – bartender/cafe man/exhibition barista)
  • Service force for the exhibition (for cleaning, transportation, assistance, etc.)
  • Field promoter of the exhibition: outside the booth on a mobile or rotating basis (to visit other booths as a representative of the company for negotiations, advertising, marketing, visits, exchange of information between the parties such as catalogs and brochures and business cards and…negotiations with exhibition visitors)
  • Exhibition marketer for exhibition marketing and marketing
    exhibition questioner (exhibition survey)
  • Conductor of exhibition programs and competitions