About Rastak Pad Vision

Rastak Padvision Company was established in 2013 with the aim of holding conferences and exhibitions, sending and inviting trade delegations in the fields of mining, metallurgy and cement, and the management of the company has more than 10 years of experience in conducting conferences and exhibitions and executive management of four specialized monthly magazines on mining development, Casting industry, special issue of metallurgical engineering and international cement and additive monthly and adding experienced and professional staff has cooperated and participated and held numerous conferences and exhibitions.
Currently, this company, as an official member of the Association of Organizers of Domestic International Exhibitions of Iran and a member of the Association of Organizers of International Exhibitions, organizes and organizes various exhibitions, conferences and events in the prestigious exhibition centers of the country every year.
The view of this company is to pay attention to the customers’ requests to enter new markets and establish effective communication with audiences and stakeholders, which is done through the following missions:
- Organizing and holding international and specialized exhibitions.
- Participation in holding special exhibitions and exhibitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran abroad.
- Planning for the implementation of all kinds of conferences (conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars, specialized meetings, training workshops, etc.) based on the needs of customers and stakeholders.
- Providing advice to organizations, associations, unions, trade unions and large holdings in the field of organizing and holding events.
- Providing services and needs of participants in events such as designing and building booths, preparing promotional gifts, catering and ceremonies for occasions, etc.
- Planning and organizing business tours and exhibitions according to the needs of customers and stakeholders
- Conducting training courses tailored to the needs of customers in the fields of mining, steel, casting, stone, gems, etc.
- Providing a basic solution and method to earn stable income through capacity building from the place of service
- Employing creative, trainable and expert forces in line with assigned missions.
- Creating balanced and sustainable values for all stakeholders.
We believe that obtaining customer satisfaction and respecting social rights is not just a slogan but our ultimate goal. In this regard, we consider it our duty to do our utmost to maintain the quality and upgrade the programs
Holding the first international specialized conference and exhibition on mining exploration and investment opportunities in Iran in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade’s Ministry of Mining, Exploration Affairs Office at the Olympic Hotel in Tehran
Implementation of the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the sending of the trade delegation of the automotive parts casting industry to the METEF (Metallurgy and Casting) exhibition in Verona, Italy, with an area of 100 square meters
Implementation of the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the AutoMechanika exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey, with a size of 210 square meters
Sending a trade delegation to the German Bauma exhibition
Holding the fourth national conference and specialized exhibition of the casting industry in cooperation with the trade association of factories of the casting industry of Iran at the Olympic Hotel in Tehran
Holding the first specialized conference and exhibition of non-ferrous metals (exploration, extraction and processing of non-ferrous metals) in cooperation with the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Industries, the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, Iran Mining House and the Lead and Zinc Miners Guild
Holding a side exhibition of the 4th conference and exhibition of the perspective of the steel and mining industry with a view of the market in cooperation with the DonyayeEghtesad newspaper
Dispatch of trade delegation and exclusive representative of steel industry conference of MENA member countries in Turkey
Holding the first international cement industry exhibition in Isfahan International Exhibition Center
Holding the second international exhibition of mining, mineral industries and metallurgy at Caspian International Exhibitions in Zanjan
Sending a trade delegation to the Turkish Metallurgical Industry Exhibition
Cooperation in holding the international exhibition of mining, mining industries, machinery and related equipment in cooperation with the Iranian Mining House, PalarSamaneh Company and Germany’s IMAG, the permanent location of international exhibitions in Tehran
Implementation of the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Turkish mining exhibition along with sending a business delegation
Holding a side exhibition of the 5th Iran Steel Industry Prospects Conference in cooperation with DonyayeEghtesad newspaper
Holding the third international exhibition of mining, mineral industries, mineral processing, construction and decorative stones and related equipment and the first international exhibition of mining and road construction machinery at Caspian International Exhibitions in Zanjan
Holding the second international cement industry exhibition (market, export, equipment and environment), Isfahan International Exhibition Center
Sending a trade delegation to the specialized exhibition of the casting industry, metallurgy, heat treatment, metal melting and mold making in Germany
Holding the first international exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver, watches and precious and semi-precious stones and related industries, the permanent location of Kish International Exhibitions
Holding the second international exhibition of investment opportunities in mining, cement, metallurgy and related industries, Kish International Exhibition Center
Holding the fifth international casting industry exhibition, the permanent location of Kish international exhibitions
Tour to visit Bauma international exhibition of mining, road construction and construction machinery and equipment, Munich Germany
Tour to visit the international exhibition of industry in Hannover Germany
Holding the fourth international exhibition of mining, mineral industries, mineral processing, construction and decorative stones and related equipment and the second international exhibition of mining and road construction machinery at Caspian International Exhibitions in Zanjan
Holding the third international cement industry exhibition (market, export, equipment and environment), Shiraz International Exhibition Center
Holding the second international exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver, watches and precious and semi-precious stones and related industries, the permanent location of Kish International Exhibitions
Holding an international exhibition of industry, mining, metallurgy, equipment and related industries and an international exhibition of mining and road construction machinery, the permanent location of international exhibitions in BandarAbbas
Holding an international exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver, watches, precious and semi-precious stones, permanent place of international exhibitions of Anzali
Holding the international exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials and the international exhibition of mining and road construction machinery, the permanent location of international exhibitions of the Southeast, Kerman
Holding international
exhibition of fisheries, aquatics, fishing, equipment and related industries, permanent solution of international exhibitions of Anzali
Holding an international exhibition of marine, ports and maritime industries, permanent place of international exhibitions of Anzali
Holding an international exhibition of the cement industry (market, export, equipment and machinery) at the permanent location of Isfahan International Exhibitions
Holding an international exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver, watches, precious and semi-precious stones, permanent location of Kish International Exhibitions
Holding the 6th international exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials, permanent place of international exhibitions of Southeast – Kerman
The 4th international exhibition of mining and road construction machinery, the permanent location of Southeast International Exhibitions – Kerman
Holding the 10th international exhibition of metallurgy, steel, casting, machinery and related industries in Isfahan
Holding the 10th international exhibition of tourism, hotel industry and travel services, the permanent location of Kish international exhibitions
Holding the first international symposium on gemstone trade, focusing on turquoise and agate, Kish Island International Convention Center
Holding the fourth international exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver, watches, precious and semi-precious stones, permanent location of Kish International Exhibitions
Holding the second international conference and specialized exhibition on mining exploration, Tehran Olympic Hotel
The 15th International Exhibition of Stones, Mines and Related Industries of Isfahan, International Exhibitions of Isfahan Province
The 7th international exhibition of mining, mineral industries, mineral processing, permanent place of international exhibitions in Kerman
The 5th international exhibition of mining and road construction machinery, the permanent location of international exhibitions in Kerman
International exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver and gems, the permanent location of international exhibitions in Fars province
The 11th international exhibition of metallurgy, steel, casting, machines and related equipment, international exhibitions of Isfahan province
The trade delegation visited the 8th International Mining, Natural Resources and Technology Exhibition (2019 MINEX) in Izmir, Turkey
The 25th International Metal Expo – Moscow, Russia
Holding the 6th international exhibition of gold, jewelry, silver, watches and gems – Mashhad
Holding the second specialized conference and exhibition of mines and non-ferrous metal industries (exploration, extraction and processing) in Tehran Olympic Hotel
The 6th International Exhibition of Mining, Mining Industries, Mineral Processing and Related Equipment and the 6th International Exhibition of Mining Machinery and Road Construction MINING2020 Kerman International Exhibition
International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Foundry and Related Industries (META Found2020), Tabriz International Exhibition
International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Casting, Machinery and Related Industries (METALEX2020) Isfahan International Exhibition
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials, machinery and related equipment, permanent place of international exhibitions of Sistan and Baluchistan
The 15th international exhibition of machinery and the 13th international exhibition of machine tools, industrial automation and precision instruments, the permanent location of international exhibitions in Tabriz
The 18th International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Foundry, Ironwork, Machines and Related Industries (METAFOUND2021), the permanent location of international exhibitions in Tabriz
The 13th International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Casting, Ironwork, Machinery and Related Industries (METALEX2021) is the permanent location of Isfahan International Exhibitions
The International Exhibition of Gold, Jewels, Silver and Gemstones (GEMPARS2021) is the permanent location of international exhibitions in Fars province
Holding the International Conference on Steel Industry and Raw Materials Review (PLANEX2021) at Kish Island International Convention Center
The 16th international exhibition of stones, mines and related industries of Isfahan, the permanent place of international exhibitions of Isfahan province
International exhibition of mining, mining industries, mineral processing, mining machinery and road construction, related services and equipment, permanent location of international exhibitions in Zanjan
The 7th International Exhibition of Gold, Jewels, Silver, Watches and Gemstones (Toos GOLDEX2022) is the permanent location of international exhibitions in Mashhad
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials, machinery and related equipment, permanent place of international exhibitions of Sistan and Baluchistan
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials, machinery and related equipment, permanent place of international exhibitions of Southeast, Kerman
The 19th International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Foundry, Ironwork, Industries and Related Machines (METAFOUND2022), the permanent location of international exhibitions in Tabriz
The 16th International Exhibition of Gold, Gems, Silver, and Gemstones (Gemtabriz2022), the permanent location of international exhibitions in Tabriz
International exhibition of mining, mining industries, mineral processing, mining machinery and road construction, related services and equipment, permanent location of international exhibitions in Zanjan
The 14th International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Foundry, Metallurgy, Industries and Related Machines (METALEX2022), the permanent location of Isfahan International Exhibitions
Sending a trade delegation to the Turkish Metallurgy and Foundry International Exhibition
The 17th International Exhibition of Stones, Mines and Related Industries of Isfahan, the permanent location of international exhibitions of Isfahan province
International Conference on Steel Industry and Raw Materials Review (PLANEX 2022), Kish Island International Convention Center
Sending a trade delegation to the international exhibition of mining, tunneling, equipment and heavy machinery for road construction and mining in Turkey
International exhibition of cement industry, permanent place of international exhibitions of Isfahan province
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, mineral processing, machinery and related equipment, permanent location of Isfahan International Exhibitions
The International Exhibition of Gold, Jewels, Silver and Gemstones (GEMPARS2022) is the permanent location of international exhibitions in Fars province
International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Foundry, Ironwork, Industries and Related Machines, permanent location of Southeast International Exhibitions, Kerman
Sending a trade delegation to the International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Casting and Equipment, India
International exhibition of metallurgy, steel, casting, ironwork, related industries and machines, permanent place of international exhibitions in Ahvaz
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials, machinery and related equipment, permanent place of international exhibitions of Sistan and Baluchistan
Sending a trade delegation to the Russian mining exhibition – Russia
Sending a trade delegation to the casting technology and steel industry exhibition (Gifa) – Spain – Germany
International exhibition of mining, mining industries, mineral processing, mining machinery and road construction, related services and equipment, permanent location of international exhibitions in Zanjan
The 15th International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Machinery Casting and Related Industries, Isfahan Iran
Tour to visit the international exhibition of exploration, mining equipment, Almaty Kazakhstan
International exhibition of gold, silver, jewelry, gems, watches, machines and related equipment, Shiraz Iran
The 18th specialized exhibition of stone, mines, machinery and related industries, Isfahan Iran
The 13th specialized exhibition of the supply chain of mining, cement, steel, tunneling, road construction, machinery and related equipment, Isfahan Iran
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, processing of mineral materials, machinery and related equipment, Zahedan Iran
International exhibition of gems, machines, equipment and related industries, permanent location of international exhibitions in Tehran
Organizer of the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the exhibition of mineral industries and machinery in Moscow
Organizer of the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international exhibition of mining, tunneling, equipment and heavy machinery for road construction in Istanbul
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, mineral processing, machinery and related equipment (exploration, extraction and processing) ShahrAftab International Exhibition Center-Tehran
Specialized exhibition of casting, mold making, parts making, machines and related industries, Shahr Aftab International Exhibition Center-Tehran
International exhibition of mining, mineral industries, mineral processing, mining machinery and road construction, related services and equipment, permanent location of international exhibitions in Zanjan
The 16th International Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Machinery Casting and Related Industries, permanent location of Isfahan International Exhibitions
The 19th specialized exhibition of stone, mines, machinery and related industries, the permanent location of Isfahan International Exhibitions
The Specialized Exhibition of Mining, Mining Industries, Machinery for Mining, Road & Construction -Related Equipment & Parts/14-17 May 2025 Shahre-e Aftab International Exhibition Center
Professional Casting, Mold Making, Parts Manufacturing, Machinery & Peripheral Equipment’s Exhibition /14-17 May 2025 Shahre-e Aftab International Exhibition Center
The 15th Exhibition of Mining & Road Construction Machinery, Mining and Related Industries / 26-29 August 2025 Isfahan International Exhibition Center,Iran
The 17th International Specialized Exhibition of Metallurgy, Steel, Foundry, Machinery & Related Industries / 3- 6 September 2025 Isfahan International Exhibition Center,Iran