Conference Holding

With more than 10 years of experience in holding your conference, conference and events, Rastak Pad Vision Company, together with a coherent and experienced team, is ready to organize conferences and occasions for organizations and organizations.

Necessity of holding the conference:

The expansion of various sciences and technologies requires a suitable platform that can be transmitted, and holding a conference is one of the best ways to publish and present scientific and technological achievements and critique and review these findings in societies. Conferences are used to bring together people with common knowledge and expertise to discuss topics and ideas related to a particular topic. The conference can be held on almost any topic and in different dimensions and sizes. To hold a successful conference and conference, time, planning, resources, and appropriate implementation force are needed. Therefore, we intend to present different ways and methods of holding an event with you to see what a conference is, why and when you might want to hold a conference or event, who might host the conference and how do it successfully. So join us and think about some questions below

Why should we hold a conference? When should we hold a conference?

How do we organize a successful conference?

Definition of conference types:

What is a conference?

Before continuing, it is better to have a general definition of the conference. Although there are different definitions, the general concept of a conference, including a congress, conference, symposium, seminar, etc. It means the gathering of different people around a specific topic. Perhaps this definition is the most general concept possible. But many other definitions can be mentioned for each gathering


An official meeting or a series of meetings for discussion between representatives, especially representatives of a trade, profession, organization, union, or representatives of governments or organizations or experts in scientific, professional, etc. Be around a specific topic and area. Such meetings are held at the national or international level and on a permanent or temporary basis. Most international and global congresses are held annually. Congress often lasts for several days and has several simultaneous sessions and specialized sessions and panels. The congress is usually bigger and more formal than the conference, symposium and workshop, and other programs are formed along with it. Another characteristic of the congress is that it is repeated annually or every few years.


A conference is a formal meeting of people with a common interest and sometimes science and expertise, usually held over several days. The purpose of holding the conference is to examine and resolve important issues and problems through lectures, meetings, questions and answers, round tables and reports. The scope and level of the conference is also national and international. And these conferences may even be held at trade union levels. Sometimes the conference can be from a few people to a few hundred people. And its results are tried to be published in the media or presented to governments or organizations in a program form.


Symposium refers to meetings in which experts of a field present their views, opinions and experiences about a single topic from different perspectives to a group of audiences and continue to discuss and exchange opinions about it. Its ultimate goal is to make the technical experts aware of the views of their colleagues and to be informed about the latest developments and findings of their specialized field. A symposium is very similar to a conference, but usually the participants are more specialized than the conference. Symposiums are also held at different national and international levels.


A seminar is a form of academic training, whether offered at an academic institution or by a business or professional organization. Its task is to bring together small groups for frequent meetings, each time focusing on a specific topic, and all present are asked to participate. The seminar is usually held for one day. The seminar can also be held at the local, national and international level, and the number of participants is limited, and the presented topic is usually not accompanied by a coherent initial judgment. The work schedule of a seminar is set with the aim of strengthening the knowledge and skills of the participants.


The workshop is planned and held with the aim of teaching a skill or introducing an innovation, invention or achievement of organizations and companies. Participants in this type of conference will receive a certificate of participation in the course while learning and acquiring a skill or technique. which is valuable for them in terms of skill training and personal resume.

Note: There are different types of gatherings, meetings, and meetings at different levels, and due to necessity, some topics that are formed along with business events are mentioned here.

Conference level:

One of the important points in holding a conference is to recognize the level of holding the conference, which will help you perform better. The level of the conference is based on the geographical level as follows

Regional conference: It is a conference that is held with the participation of experts of a specific geographical region and usually examines the issues of that region. This conference itself, for example, can be a conference of managers of two cities or municipal managers of West Asian capitals.

Local conference: It is a conference that is held with the participation of people from a specific geographical unit and usually deals with issues related to the same area.

National Conference: It is a conference that is held with the participation of people from all over a country and in the official language of that country.

International conference: It is a conference that is held with the participation of one or more countries, organizations or foreign specialized associations and has an international goal and theme. Also, part of the lectures and scientific articles are presented by foreign participants.

Note: Maybe other things can be considered for the level of the conference, such as a trade union. But for the proper holding of a conference, geographical level is much more important than other parts

Conference services:

Pagination of conference book

Pagination of conference or conference book is one of the important services of Gostar Conference, which we will perform professionally.

Conference poster design

Designing a poster for a conference, conference, event, etc., as the first promotional source of the conference that is transferred from your side to the target community, has an important priority.

Holding press and news conferences

Holding news conferences with publishers, news agencies, newspapers, etc. In order to inform and report news, it is necessary for conferences. We will do it 100%.

Free consultation before the conference

Consulting for holding a conference is one of the basic obligations. The existence of a trustworthy and competent consultant will reduce the costs of location, execution and many other things.

Conference website design

Another important part of the conference is the design of the website related to the conference. It is important to guide the audience, get services and register them.

Holding an exhibition

One of the sources of funding for the conference is holding a side exhibition. The more and more attractive these exhibitions are, the more expenses they will cover.

Making conference and seminar teasers

The teaser of the conference will be a source of introduction and also a souvenir of the conference. We will implement the idea to execution scenario to make your conference teaser with the help of our experts.

Conference transfer services

To move the guests and invitees of the conference with peace of mind, we will provide comprehensive and complete services from check-in to check-out.

Provision of executive power

If you have the ability to hold a conference in your collection, but you have few experts to hold the conference, don’t worry. We will be by your side to provide you with all kinds of specialist forces in holding the conference.

Exhibition booth construction

In many conferences, a side exhibition is needed for financing. While holding a conference, this company is fully prepared to build an exhibition booth with various types of equipment, including Maxima booths and Tetris booths.

Photography and filming of the conference and seminar

The conference passes with all its concerns, good and bad, and the only thing that remains from the conference is the photos and videos recorded in the conference; we appreciate this important souvenir.

Design and advertising services

Our design and graphics team will be with you from the beginning of the conference program to all design issues of catalogs, brochures, logos, etc. execute it in the best way for you.